Reiki Master Online Training Course

Reiki Master online training course: If you are looking for a way to improve your health and well-being, you may want to consider learning Reiki. Reiki is a form of energy healing that has been around for centuries. It is said to help promote relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve overall health and well-being. In this blog post, we will discuss what Reiki is, the history of Reiki, and how the practice works. We will also talk about the benefits of learning Reiki and how you can get started!

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a form of energy healing that was developed in Japan in the early 20th century. Reiki is said to promote relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve overall health and well-being.

Reiki is the Japanese word for “universal life energy” or “spiritual energy.” The word Reiki comes from two Japanese words-Rei, which means spirit, higher self, or sacred; and ki, which is universal life energy. Ki flows within us connecting body, mind, and soul.

It is said that we are born with a certain amount of ki, and as we grow and develop (physically, mentally, and spiritually) we create more ki. However, it is also said that the more we think negative thoughts or hold on to negative attitudes or emotions, the less ki we have. When our ki is low it is difficult for us to be balanced and healthy and deal with the normal stressors of daily living.

Reiki is a natural way to release negative thoughts and emotions and allow for a more balanced, peaceful feeling within us. This allows our ki to come into a more complete state which then opens the door to be able to better receive higher forms of universal energy.

The basics of Reiki are that it is the act of laying hands on yourself, others, or objects to connect with universal life energy. There are many different techniques for this but it usually involves sitting quietly and meditating.

During meditation, you focus on your breathing and repeat a mantra that opens you up to being able to receive higher forms of universal ki. Once this connection has been made with ki, you then focus on wherever you feel your body needs ki and allow the energy to flow. For example; if someone has a headache you would place your hands on their head and focus on allowing the energy to flow through your palms and into the person.

Reiki will always give back what is given- meaning if it is given with the intent to heal, it will always heal. You can also do distance Reiki where you sit in one place and send the energy out to another person who is not in your presence. Distance Reiki works by setting an intention for the ki to find its way to that person at a later time.

Reiki Master online training course

How does Reiki work?

Reiki is a form of energy healing that is said to help restore balance in the body. It works by using the hands to transfer energy into the body. This energy is thought to help clear away blockages and promote healing.

During a treatment, reiki energy can be felt as sensations of heat, tingling, or pressure. This is because the energy is not being transmitted into the body to heal it physically—it is being used to activate and accelerate the body’s own ability to heal itself on all levels. The experiences are individualized per person depending upon their state of health and awareness.

The Effects of Reiki Training:

The effects of a reiki treatment vary from person to person and it is often not possible for the practitioner to predict what will happen. Some people feel nothing at all; others experience feelings that can range from deep relaxation and calmness, through pain reduction or elimination, to feeling energized and excited as if they have had a very restful night’s sleep. Sometimes there can be emotional releases, particularly of strong emotions like anger or sadness which have been locked away for years.

Reiki Energy:

Reiki energy can be felt flowing through the body during a treatment and/or afterward as gentle waves of heat traveling through the physical body or channels, often at acupressure points. When the energy has completed its vital task of clearing blockages it will stop flowing, so you will not usually feel it after a treatment unless there are still areas of your body that are blocked or need more Reiki.

Reiki Treatment:

A Reiki treatment usually takes between 45 minutes and an hour, although some people choose to have longer treatments, it can also be beneficial to receive treatment for shorter periods of time, such as 15 minutes every day or several times a week for several weeks.

There are no negative side effects from receiving reiki. You may feel some tingling, warmth, or other sensations during the treatment, which is your body’s way of adjusting to the increased flow of energy.

If at any time during a treatment you find that powerful feeling, memories or thoughts are emerging which may be upsetting it is always best to voice them. You can ask your practitioner to stop the treatment if necessary or they may continue for a shorter period of time and then finish the session.

Emotional Sensations Felt With Reiki:

During Reiki sessions, some people experience the release of emotions like crying, shaking, or laughing which may be because the body is releasing long-held tension and trauma. This process should always be done with control and awareness to avoid any harmful physical effects. Crying is usually a positive release of old emotions which have been buried by the conscious mind in order to continue living.

It is important to find a reiki practitioner you trust and feel comfortable with, but it’s also good to be aware of the many different methods of working used by reiki practitioners. Each method is different in theory and practice. You may like one method more than another or you may wish to learn more than one system so that you have the choice of which style to use with each client.

Reiki Master online training course

What are the benefits of learning Reiki?

There are many benefits to learning Reiki. Some of these include relaxation, reduced stress and anxiety, improved mental clarity, and a sense of peace and well-being. Additionally, Reiki can help improve overall health and vitality.

The benefits of learning Reiki are numerous. One may use this energy to heal themselves or others, which includes animals and plants. Others use it to simply relax or meditate more deeply than they could without this ability. The energy that can be transmitted through Reiki is unconditional love. Benefits can be immediate or take time, but improvements will always come about with Reiki training.

Some of the benefits may include:

– Improved health and well-being

– Relaxation and mental clarity

– Intuition and spiritual connection

– Physical energy and stamina

How Can I Learn Reiki?

There are many ways to learn Reiki. You can find classes and workshops online or in your local area. There are also many books and DVDs about Reiki available for purchase. Alternatively, you may want to consider taking a course with a certified Reiki practitioner.


The Reiki Master Online Training Course is an online course that will teach you how to become a professional healer. It’s designed for anyone who wants to learn about the history of this ancient healing art, as well as its modern-day practices and applications.

You can use your knowledge in many different situations including treatments for yourself or loved ones, working with animals, giving healings at work or school presentations, energy clearing sessions, and much more. Click the above link to learn more about it.

The Health Wealth Lifestyle has provided the above on Reiki Master online training course for informational purposes only. Please consult a health care provider as you see fit.