8 16 Fasting – Intermittent Fasting

Fasting is the most effective method of detoxification for those who cannot or do not want to use drugs or chelation therapy. By fasting, we mean complete abstinence from all food and liquids which enter the stomach. 8 16 fasting is one of the most popular methods.

The detoxification process [in fasting] is initiated by enzymatic changes in the body’s metabolism. When we go without food for several hours, the body begins to break down glycogen stores. This releases glucose which provides energy for cellular processes. Glucose contains a unique protein called glutathione, an important antioxidant and detoxifying agent which is found in every cell of the body.

Alternate Source of Energy When Fasting

When we stop providing food for the cells, they must turn to an alternate source of energy. Fatty acids (fat) are released from the tissues and transported through the blood as a fuel source for our cells. As this fat is broken down, toxins such as pesticides and DDT are released and carried to the liver where they are neutralized and prepared for removal from the body.

This is an evolutionary process that developed over centuries to provide protection against periods of famine. It would be beneficial if we could use our own detoxifying system more frequently, rather than waiting for a disease to develop before using drugs or chelation therapy.

When the detoxification system is over-utilized, it can be overwhelmed and unable to cope with the daily assault of chemicals in our food. This results in chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, cancer, and autoimmune disease.

Fasting gives your body a rest from digestion so it can concentrate on removing toxins instead of having to digest food.

After a few days of fasting, the liver begins to break down fat and protein stored in the tissues. The products of this breakdown are free fatty acids, amino acids, and ammonia.*

8 16 fasting

8 16 Fasting

Intermittent fasting helps to lose weight, reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes. This diet plan helps the body burn more fat by reducing insulin levels in the blood. When you follow this diet plan, the body goes into a fasted state where it is not receiving food for a certain period of time.

Weight loss: There are many reasons why people want to lose weight. 8 16 fasting is a new alternative way of losing weight that can help you in burning more calories and reduce your body mass index.

– 8 16 fasting helps reduce insulin levels. These 8 16 fasts a week can also lower the risk of heart attack by 40%.

– 8 16 fasting will help you lose 8 8 lbs in 8 8 weeks.

Other Fasting Variations

There are many diets with intermittent fasting like 5 2 diet, one meal a day diet, and alternate-day fasting which helps to lose weight. 8 16 fasting is also similar to another type of diet where people do not eat food for certain hours of the day in order to lose weight.

8 16 fasting works on the principle of intermittent fasting. There are many health benefits of this type of fasting. Eating at the right time is the key to success with this diet plan. You can eat anything during eating hours but in moderation only. The best way is to have calorie-free beverages like water, unsweetened tea, or coffee.

8 16 fasting is not for people who are expecting or who have kids below 3 years of age. For such people, it is advised that they eat three meals per day and follow a healthy lifestyle.

– Follow your daily routine as usual.

– You can eat anything during your eating hours, but in moderation and sensibly.

– There is no food restriction even on weekends and holidays. 

8 16 fasting helps in improving overall health. It not only reduces the body mass index but also helps in fighting chronic diseases like diabetes, heart problems, and blood pressure.

8 16 fasting helps in improving overall health. It not only reduces the body mass index but also helps in fighting chronic diseases like diabetes, heart problems, and blood pressure.

Foods to Avoid While Fasting

Many people who abstain from food during the day also avoid eating certain types of foods that they consider harmful or which may lead them into the temptation of poor eating.

            There is also a risk of overeating when breaking the fast, with potentially dangerous results.

            The following foods should be avoided:

·         Caffeinated drinks – such as coffee, tea, and cola (including decaf). These drinks stay in the body for hours after consumption and they dehydrate the body, which is counterproductive at a time when you need to keep your fluid levels up.

·         Smoking is harmful to the body in any circumstances but it also dehydrates the smoker and people who have smoked should avoid fasting until they have been completely cleansed of smoke by a shower.

·         Alcohol – the body breaks down alcohol relatively slowly, so a glass of wine or a pint of beer can stay in the system for 8 hours. It makes no difference if it is taken with food; this simply slows down the body’s normal reaction to the poison and gives it more time to do damage.

·         Sugar – although not as harmful as alcohol, sugar should also be avoided to ensure that the body does not come to rely on it.

·         Salt – avoid salt as this also increases fluid retention.

·         Spicy food – spices are more likely to cause indigestion than other types of food, so ease up on the cumin, chili, and garlic.

·               Citrus fruits – citric acid causes indigestion and the body needs all the energy it can get during Ramadan, so avoid oranges and other citrus fruits.

·         Junk food – this includes processed foods such as potato chips and salted nuts, which should be avoided in favor of fresh vegetables and fruit.

8 16 fasting

Foods to Eat While Fasting

The following is a list of foods to be eaten during the 8 16 fast:

1- Vegetables such as lettuce, cabbage, and tomato add great taste to the meal. It has only 15 calories per 100 grams and 8 grams of fiber.

2- Milk (low fat or whole milk) add calcium and protein to the 8 16 fast meal

3- Eggs: full of proteins and minerals, 8 times more effective in weight loss than any other food. Also a good source of omega 3 fatty acids that boost the immune system and skin health. Two boiled eggs are an 8 16 fast meal.

4- Soup is a great 8 16 fast food because it’s filling and easy to make. It has only 45 calories per 100 grams of soup.

5- 8 16 fasting drinks are acceptable but they should be low in sugar or contain no sugar at all

6- herbal tea is a good fast meal.

7- water is a must 8 times a day during 8 16 fasting.

9- fasting fruits add taste to the 8 16 fast, but they should be eaten in low quantities because of their high fructose levels

10- 8 16 fasting drinks add great taste to an 816 fast meal, but they should be sugar-free.

11- breakfast cereals are a great addition to the fast, as long as their fiber and sugar content is low. They can also contain milk or eggs that will make them a complete fast meal.

12- Walnuts add protein and omega 3 fatty acids to any 8 16 fasting meal.

13- Fish is almost as effective as eggs in weight loss and contains omega 3 fatty acids that boost the immune system and skin health. An 8 16 fast meal can be a fish steak with some vegetables.

14- Tuna can be eaten by itself or it can be added to a salad for a complete meal during fasting. Tuna has only 50 calories per 100 grams and it is rich in lean protein, omega 3 fatty acids, and calcium.

15- Cottage cheese is a good addition to any salad an 8 16 fast meal can have. It has around 180 calories per 100 grams

16- Beef must be eaten without bread or rice during the 8 16 fast meal. It has almost as many proteins as eggs, but it also contains iron and vitamin B12 that help the blood formation process. Also, beef prevents anemia. A 3-ounce piece of beef is a good 8 16 fast food


Many of us are familiar with the phrase “breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” However, this may not be as accurate as we once thought. Studies have shown that intermittent fasting can help improve your cholesterol levels and even fight cancer cells! If you’re ready to reap these benefits for yourself, try eating an 8 16 hour fast.

This means skipping breakfast on Mondays through Fridays and only eating dinner after 5 p.m., then resuming normal eating habits on Saturday or Sunday. You’ll find it’s easier than ever to maintain a healthy lifestyle with fewer calories when you take part in regular fasting intervals like this one.

The Health Wealth Lifestyle is intended for informational purposes only. Consult your health care professional as you see fit.