Best Probiotic for Vaginal Health

Best probiotic for vaginal health: Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 is a species in the genus Lactobacillus. It is a Gram-positive, rod-shaped bacterium that can be beneficial to your vaginal health. This bacteria colonizes in large amounts and has been shown to prevent the growth of Candida albicans, a fungus that can cause yeast infections.

These bacteria colonize in large amounts and have been shown to prevent the growth of E. coli, another bacterium that can cause UTIs best probiotic for vaginal health It is naturally found best probiotics for vaginal health.

If you want to learn more about this bacteria, it is found in most yogurt with live cultures. It is also found in supplements that are available at most drugstores and online.

Taken orally, it has been shown to reduce the severity and frequency of UTIs and constipation. It is also used as a preventative measure for those at risk for antibiotic associated diarrhea or for those who need an improvement in their immune system

Eating yogurt with active cultures is the easiest way to get the benefits of this bacteria. This will ensure the best probiotic for vaginal health.

Probiotics are Important for Menstration

Vaginal health is an important factor in the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, hygiene, and sexual relationships. When the vaginal microbiota falls out of its ideal balance, it may lead to infection or disease in some cases.

Lactobacillus species are normally associated with healthy vaginal microbiota. Although there are no studies on probiotics showing long-term benefits on vaginal health, probiotics are reported to be effective in preventing and treating some vaginal infections.

This article gives an overview of the vaginal microbiota and discusses the evidence for the effect of probiotics on this microbiota. Probiotic candidates, which have a more established evidence base, are also reviewed briefly. This article is published in Frontiers in Physiology and written by Dr. Anna Zota, assistant professor at George Washington University.

best probiotic for vaginal health

What is the normal vaginal microbiota?

Normal vaginal microbiota contains many species of microorganisms, most prominently Lactobacillus species, which can help maintain a healthy pH range in the vagina. A high pH range (over 4.5) may cause vaginal yeast infections, whereas a low pH (under 4.5) may lead to bacterial vaginosis. The vaginal microbiota tends to be less diverse during pregnancy and in postmenopausal women.

List of the best probiotics for vaginal health

The two main species of Lactobacillus that are most commonly associated with vaginal health are L. crispatus, which produces large amounts of lactic acid, and L. jensenii, which has a smaller number of hydrogen peroxide-producing strains. The vaginal microbiota tends to be less diverse during pregnancy and in postmenopausal women .

The best way to get probiotics for your vagina

If you are looking for vaginal health benefits from probiotics, the best time to ingest them is directly before or during sex. This is because many types of bacteria associated with a healthy vaginal microbiome are anaerobic species that do not survive well when exposed to oxygen. Several studies have shown that gut bacteria can affect human sexual behavior by producing hormones that modulate the immune system. For example, women who took capsules with Lactobacillus.

Candida and an Acidic Envioronment

     Candida species are obligate or facultative anaerobic yeasts, which grow both as yeast and filamentous forms. Their reproduction proceeds best under conditions of decreased pH. Both nutrients and oxygen are required for the growth and multiplication of yeast cells.

The use of broad-spectrum amphotericin B deoxycholate (AmB deoxy) for the empirical therapy of presumed disseminated candidiasis in immunocompromised patients should be based on results of culture and drug susceptibility test results, because the response to this agent is slow.

The activity against Candida albicans depends on several factors related to drug concentration, pH, temperature, and the presence of certain divalent metals. Amphotericin B deoxy requires a pH of less than 5.4 to be effective, and its effectiveness is reduced at an intra-vitreal or intracerebral acidic pH.

Mannoprotein and Glucan-containing Chitin

The yeast cell wall consists predominantly of mannoprotein and glucan-containing chitin. Chitin and chitin derivatives (e.g., octanoic acid, nonanoic acid, and decanoic acid) are able to bind to specific sites of the cell wall of Candida species; this binding is assumed to be responsible for membrane damage that leads to leakage of intracellular constituents such as potassium.

            Amphotericin B deoxy is effective against Candida albicans, C glabrata, and most strains of C krusei but less so against other species/strains of Candida. The drug has low activity against Cryptococcus neoformans . Amphotericin B desoxy is used in the treatment of systemic fungal infections

Why Women Need Healthy Bacteria

“Women have been having their morning yogurt for years to stay healthy, but they may not realize that billions of beneficial bacteria in these products could also be keeping them happy and content,” says Dr. John Krystal, editor of Biological Psychiatry.

The bacteria in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract play a major role in human health and behavior, affecting everything from the ability to metabolize glucose and insulin to serotonin levels, both of which can impact mood.

“The gut has no pain receptors and communicates with the brain via hormones and nerve impulses,” says Dr. Emeran Mayer, a gastroenterologist, and professor of medicine, physiology, and psychiatry at the University of California-Los Angeles. “Serotonin, that’s thought to be a contributor to feelings of well-being, is made in the intestines as well as the brain.”

best probiotic for vaginal health

Probiotics Can Reduce Depression

In one study conducted at McMaster University, healthy women who ate yogurt containing probiotics daily for four weeks showed significantly reduced depressive and anxiety symptoms compared with those eating a non-probiotic dairy product.

“There is very good evidence that the bacteria in your gut can influence your brain and behavior,” says Dr. Emeran Mayer, a gastroenterologist, and professor of medicine, physiology, and psychiatry at the University of California-Los Angeles.

The health benefits of probiotics — obtained from eating yogurt or taking oral supplements with live active cultures — are even more dramatic in children, whose GI tracts and brains are still developing.

One study found that 18 weeks of daily probiotics reduced ADHD symptoms by 22 percent; another reported that they improved memory and social skills among autistic children.

How to Improve Vaginal Health

1. Diet: what you put in is what you get out

The vagina is a very absorbent organ, so the stuff that you put on it gets taken inside of it as well as around it. Your choice of toilet paper for example can affect its pH levels as well as the severity of UTIs that you suffer from.

Even if you have a healthy vagina, eating acidic foods such as citrus fruits or drinking orange juice can be bad for it because they make the vaginal environment more acidic (greater than 4.5 pH) and prone to infection. If your body is overdosing on acidic substances it will draw upon the stores of alkaline minerals such as calcium and magnesium to balance itself out.

These stores are finite, which means that you need to be wary of what acidic substances you put into your body over a prolonged period of time. Remember that the vagina is not isolated from the rest of your body, so if it becomes too acidic due to an excessive intake of acidic foods and drinks, the rest of your body will be more acidic as well.

2. Drink enough water to flush out toxins

The vagina is a pretty good organ and tries its best to keep itself clean and healthy. However, it does not have the ability to remove all the waste that accumulates in it, so you need to drink plenty of water to flush it out.

Drink at least two liters of water a day, but do not drink too much or you will have the opposite problem and end up with a vaginal infection that is caused by an overabundance of Douglass Fluid.

3. Take a probiotic supplement

Probiotics are live microorganisms similar to those naturally found in the gut. Some of these organisms may be useful to supplement or alter the gut microbiota.

Evidence suggests that the natural balance of organisms in our gut is essential to digestive and immune health, as well as vaginal and urinary tract health for women.

Microorganisms play an important role in maintaining both men’s and women’s reproductive tracts. It has been found that women with normal vaginal bacterial flora have significantly lower rates of recurrent upper-genital–tract infections compared with women who have an overgrowth of non-Lactobacillus bacteria.

When this population of good bacteria is upset, it causes an overload of bad bacteria to take over the healthy bacterial environment in the vagina. This can lead to common vaginal infections such as yeast infections and UTIs.

In addition, some studies have shown that Lactobacillus acidophilus, a common vaginal bacteria, can cause an intestinal overgrowth of bad bacteria. In these cases, probiotics taken orally may be helpful for treating not only the vaginal yeast infection but also any intestinal problems such as constipation or hyperactive bladder.

best probiotic for vaginal health

Can taking probiotics for vaginal health affect your risk of developing a yeast infection or UTI?

Probiotics have been suggested to be beneficial in the prevention and/or treatment of vaginal infections. In fact, one study found women who took probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus (LGG) throughout the course of six months had lower levels of vaginal yeast than women who did not take the probiotic.

A study conducted by Suez et al showed that an altered microbiome may be associated with the development of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). This finding suggests that using this type of “good bacteria” to restore balance in the gut could potentially help people with other diseases, too.


If you are looking for a probiotic to improve your vaginal health, consider using one of the products we’ve listed. All of these probiotics have been shown to be effective at restoring and maintaining a healthy balance of bacteria in the vagina. Remember that it is important to consult with your doctor if you are experiencing any symptoms related to your vaginal health, as they may be able to recommend a specific probiotic or treatment plan that will work best for you.

The Health Wealth Lifestyle has provided this article on the best probiotic for vaginal health for informational purposes only. Please consult your health care professional as you see fit.